
31 Days to Contagious Living: A Daily Devotional Guide on Modeling Christ to Others is unavailable, but you can change that!

This creative one-month devotional will revitalize your life for Christ and, in doing so, draw people to him. Evangelism, biblically defined, means sharing the Gospel with the intent of seeing the other person trust Christ. Until we present the Gospel through spoken or written witness and invite people to trust Christ, we have not evangelized. Whether or not they come to Christ is ultimately...

as is fitting in the Lord.” In Ephesians 5:22, Paul says that the submission of a wife to her husband ought to reflect her submission to Christ. Recognizing her husband as the head of the home, she is to live in submission to his authority. But God doesn’t stop there. The authority of the husband is not that of a dictator over his subjects. It is that of a loving leader. Paul says, “Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.” Biblical love means “putting the other person first.”
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